Sig’s Book Diary



『Indigenous Identity and Resistance: Researching the Diversity of Knowledge』『Maori Tribes of New Zealand』『Nga Kaupapa Here: Connections and Contradictions in Education』『The politics of conformity in the New Zealand』『Introduction to the History of New Zeal

Indigenous Identity and Resistance: Researching the Diversity of Knowledge (Ethnic Minorities Multicultura)作者: Brendan Hokowhitu,Nathalie Kermoal,Chris Andersen,Michael Reilly,Anna Petersen,Isabel Altamirano-jimenez出版社/メーカー: Otago…

『Public Policy and Ethnicity: The Politics of Ethnic Boundary Making』『Maori and the Environment: Kaitiaki』『The Treaty of Waitangi - Perspectives on The Treaty of Watiangi』『The Waitangi Tribunal and New Zealand History』

Public Policy and Ethnicity: The Politics of Ethnic Boundary Making作者: Roger Openshaw,E. Rata出版社/メーカー: Palgrave Macmillan発売日: 2006/12/12メディア: ハードカバーこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る Maori and the Environment: Kaitiaki…